Consuming Carinthia

We set out in search of the Middle Ages

and discovered our own.

Ten days in southern Austria reminded us of what life in Europe used to be like and suggested why it isn’t any more.

Consuming Carinthia: First nibbles   In which we discover beauty, order and death.


Entering Klagenfurt   Where?   An attractive city that benefits from its isolation.


A symphony played in a stately arcade… Restaurant Arkadenhof, Klagenfurt   A grand restaurant that could give romance a good name!


It hurts so good! From crucifix to garden gnome   Concerning sex, violence and the Papacy.


Eating like an Emperor! Gasthaus im Landhaushof, Klagenfurt   In which we are given instruction in Austro-Hungarian gluttony.


Chewing up the scenery: Murau has an attack of builder’s blight   Not in my back yard, please—or anybody else's!


Hungry? Head for the nearest church!   Our unsuccessful search for a bad meal.


Carinthia redux: What we learned and what we didn’t   From fusion cuisine to fusion culture.


©2006 John Whiting


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