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Thank you one and all! As I'm dragged kicking and screaming into my ninth [now tenth] decade, I'm tossing a handful of belated merci beaucoups to some of the people who kept sending my life off in unexpected and ever more interesting directions. You’ll find no enemies here – I'm lucky to have had so few! – but instead a smattering of places, relatives, friends and associates to whom I owe. . . well, everything.


My KPFA: A Historical Footnote Throughout the 1960s I worked intermittently for Berkeley's non-commercial listener-supported FM station KPFA, including four years full time as its Production Director. Worked? It was more like being thrust into a round-the-clock play pen bursting with obstreperous child prodigies. But out of this chaos came many programs to rival the BBC’s — and for a single-digit percentage of the cost.



. . .an anthology of food-related subjects.

For biographical info click here, here, here and here

© 2010 John Whiting - contact

Design and production by Hugh Macdonald - contact
Illustrations by Ben Nash - contact

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